

  • Just turned 54 last Friday, never had a weight problem until menopause. This is a battle but I am determined to get back to pre-menopausal weight.
  • It is good for a lot of things. It boost the metabolism. You have to dilute it though because it is very strong. You have to brush your teeth right after using it because it is hard on the teeth enamel. If you are taking diuretics you can't do both because it is a natural diuretics. However it is a great fat burner.
  • Don't get obsessive with it. My goal is one to two pounds a week. I only weigh myself once a week. I work anywhere from 3 to 6 days a week. Three may not be enough. And change your exercise up the body gets use to the same type of work out. Some weeks I don't lose, but I never beat up on myself. I just evaluate what I did…