

  • well it's kind of hard for me because I am on Foodstamps. I have to plan all my meals out for the entire month before I go shopping, as I don't have a vehicle right now and the nearest grocery store is 20 minutes a way by car. My mom comes to my house and takes me on the 9th when I get my stamps every month. and on top of…
  • thanks everyone, I have never really dieted before, and I guess I was jumping into this hoping for perfection and fast results. I shouldn't push myself like this. I'm just going to count my calories and exercise and drink lots of water. I'm not going to freak out if I have a higher calorie dinner, I'll just plan out my…
  • I know exactly what your going through. I have been suffering from depression since I was about 8 years old. My dad tried to kill himself when I was 8, which followed with my mom and him getting a divorce, and then them fighting with each other all the time and putting me in the middle of their childish behaviors. I am 26…
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! I think this site will help me a lot in my journey, making friends and knowing that i'm not alone. Thanks everyone!