

  • Coffee is not advisable for weight loss. What it does is that it suppresses appetite for a bit. This is why so many people drink it as a means to put off/postpone meals. http://www.livestrong.com/article/528355-does-coffee-curb-hunger/
  • I'm a tea drinker for the most part, but I have no qualms about having my coffee with a cube of sugar or sweetener (depending on where I am for sugar intake that day) and almond/soy milk (depending on what they have). I try to avoid coffee though because it makes me nervous. I regularly have earl grey with vanilla hemp…
  • My babies are beagles. They are so well-behaved and they always have been (every dog has a rambunctious puppy phase). We trained them off the bat to be off leash, and although people thinking of getting a canine companion seem to get dissauded by their howls, I egg them on because I love them! Their 13 now, and their in…
  • Hi, I'm new here (only 3rd day) and am all about positive motivation! :) Some of you have made some impressive changes (I saw one of you has lost 104lbs!), holy cow! I can't think of anything more motivating than people striving towards similar goals sharing their journeys :)
  • That is outstanding! I can't imagine how good, and motivated you feel. Fan-freakin'-tastic!