

  • I found these sites to be helpful, maybe you will too
  • Keep the calorie total the same, but increase your protein and decrease fat and carbs. It will keep your weight loss on track but allow muscle to grow. Eating right is key to changing body composition, not just the workout.
  • you're asking the right people here, I know how to get way too many calories. peanut or other nut butters (almond, hazelnut, cashew etc) are high in good oils and loads of trace minerals. Recent findings are showing that milk fat is not nearly as bad for you as previously thought, so whole (organic) milk and Artisan aged…
  • If you have a significant muscle mass, it's hard to trust things like the BMI index for determining what your goal weight should be. I did not think the suggested BMI weight for my height was appropriate because I know guys my height that are "proper" BMI and look like twigs. I knew I wasn't going to get that thin, even…