

  • My turning point was making our family vacation album and have only one photo of me. It was like it was my family vacation without me. I decided I wanted to be part of my family and not hide from it. That was 3 months ago.
  • Do you turn them on at the exact same time?
  • Do you turn them on at the exact same time?
  • I just finished day 3 of week 3 last night and that was a tough, but honestly it gets easier. When I used to be 183 Lbs. I could barely walk one mile without breaking a sweat and almost pass out. Now 31 Lbs. lighter I jog faster, for longer and I enjoy it. I use the C25k with my RunKeeper app at the same time so I know the…
  • Hi y'all . Quick question: I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Shred and there's 44 squats throughout the workout video, should I just add up the remaining squats of the day or should I do separate? I'm on day 4 of my second round of JM30S and day 4 of my squat challenge. Now since is just little squats is fine but I…