

  • I really want to try this program, but I am totally out of shape. Like, embarrassingly so. If I were to try it, it would definitely be on the treadmill (highs here in the upper 90's this time of year). But even on the treadmill, I can barely jog at 4 mph for more than 2 minutes (albeit at an incline). I'm thinking when…
  • I think I've probably had at least 714 Cheetos in a sitting before.
  • 5'6", starting weight at about 140 lbs, current weight 130 lbs, goal weight 120 lbs. I'm not very muscular (and probably never will be), so a lower weight is fine for me. :)
  • Wow... hard to believe someone who weighs 40 lbs less than me has a maintenance w/i 100 cals of mine... at least according to online calculators (not saying I trust that to be accurate at all, of course). I guess I never realized how very little it must vary!
  • What about a little person? I realize it's way below maintenance for me; it was just a thought.
  • Ah, I wasn't aware 1200 was the minimum daily calories recommended by MFP. That makes sense... Though I imagine it could be pretty frustrating for very small people for whom that may be maintenance (or higher!).
  • Unhealthy relationships with food run both ways - both eating too much, and eating too little. Food should never be your enemy - it helps to nourish and maintain a healthy and active body. :) I think the main problem will be in addressing this relationship.
  • Loestrin 24 fe worked well for me, back when I used BC. It's a lower dose of hormones than Yaz, if I remember correctly. However, all hormonal BC carries a risk of blood clots. Edited to add: Maybe look into progestin-only BC if you're concerned about the risk of blood clot? Here's a link to get you started.…