Look into Paleo and Fodmap diets. They both limit gluten and lactose, Paleo tends to stay away from grains in general. FODMAPs can have grains but they would be ancient or gluten free. That would be my suggestion to check out and see if that fits your ideal better. I personally use FODMAPs but I find a lot of Paleo cross…
If you do have access to a microwave the ziplock steamer bags are fantastic. You can fill with fish or meat if choice and veggies and throw in microwave for a quick meal,
Hellos! I'm Pamela - go by Pam for short, answer to about anything, lol. I have suffered with digestive issues for over almost 20 years that I can remember, probably before that. It was only about that time I actually started going to doctors and trying to get answers for the pain, and symptoms that plagued me over the…
Canadian born (Edmonton) Have lived all around and now in the US not far from Seattle, WA. Was just in Edmonton area visiting family this past month.