

  • @ George: This is a program that comes with a number of DVD's wtih different work outs - each work out is 25 min long plus a few more minutes to cool down. There is also a calendar/chart that instructs which workout to do and keeps track of your progress. Shaun T is a charismatic fitness coach and very encouraging. He has…
  • Just started this week. Good Lord let's hope I'm not too old for my muscle memory to kick in cause this program is kickin' my butt! (in a good way!)
  • Is this a case of you eating smaller meals than you're used to and therefore not having that "full" feeling? Too many days of that in a row can send me "needing" to fill up. Tonight I shared a big bowl of popcorn with my daughter. It was homemade, popped on the stove top with very little oil (maybe 1 TBSP), and a little…