

  • I left a dressing room the other a day, with a smile. Not tears. I cant remember the last time I was in a dressing room and didnt cry.
  • I have NO idea why that photo is so large. LOL. I'm sorry twin!
  • I got a weave. The woman who installed it went above and beyond to try and protect my hair as much as possible. It will not make the hair loss disappear, it just helped me have more piece of mind. AND I can dye it without getting scared im making it worse!
  • I finally went to the emergency room, per my surgeons office. It got to the point where I couldn't eat or drink. I was at the ER for almost 12 hours doing labs, tests, scans. Dehydrated, extremely low potassium, and a UTI. However, they found fluid pooling in my esophagus. Called surgeon, he said he would follow up with me…
  • Maybe it is because I am in the beginning months....but I thought I would be able to eat a much bigger variety, just in small portions. Following the recommendations of your doctor is best. Once you get in to regular food, focus on high protein options. You would be surprised how the satisfying the simplest of lunches…
  • I was never picky. But my taste buds have changed. And more so my cravings. My advice would be try healthy and approved options, even if you don't like them now. what is the worst that is going to still don't like them? But, like many other patients, your tastebuds couldve changed and you could stumble upon…
  • Hit a 3 week stall about 10 days after surgery. Once I lost all the fluid retention, BAM. There that heffer was. I have had a couple weeks here and there. Then I had another one about a month later for 10 days I think. I am only a little over 2 months out. I have spent more time on stalls, than losing weight. BUT! I'm…
  • I've also read good things about horsetail.
  • Ever heard of taking Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM)?
  • Elifusa- they only cover it with certain BMI and it has to be documented three years at over 40 BMI. My cousin has been at 39.5 for years.....
  • Foxy Mitchell- Did your plan originally cover it? Author Writer- Thanks for the info!
  • I have them. I cant eat more than 3-5 at one sitting. So, if I want something sweet, I take one or two. Its probably .00000005 grams of protein, but I guess it is better than nothing lol
  • I had sleeve on Wed and attempted to go back to work on Monday. I woke up way to nauseous. I went back the next day and it made all the difference in the world. I still was, and am (7 weeks later) pretty exhausted. But, you just get used to it I suppose.
  • I had a three week stall just two weeks after my surgery! Now I am back on a stall two weeks after THAT stall. I lost a lot in those two weeks in between the stalls, about 13 pounds. I figure, it all averages out. I know how frustrating it is. Especially since I am in the beginning and have been on stalls MORE than I have…
  • Thanks for the support everyone. I have had a couple good days, and a couple bad days since. Still trying!
  • I am doing well with mosit proteins. My pouch loves tuna, bbq shredded pork, shredded chicken. I made low carb meatballs the other day and they went down like BUTTA. Hope you are finding good foods twin!
  • @sarahviolet- we really are TWINS! :) I haven't had anything go away completely. My pelvic pain seems to be less.
  • I had a tender spot on one of my incisions. This tenderness I am talking about seems to be right about my belly button, stretching horizontally the length of my hand. It is just weird that it has been noticable the past couple days when I haven't had any pain in weeks (other than over exertion)
  • I am still on soft foods, and slowly reintroducing new foods. My BMR rate is around 1900 calories. On a great day, I eat about 700-800 calories. Otherwise I am way below that. That should give me about a pound every 3rd or 4th day of weight loss. The scariest part is I am gaining a pound here, losing it. Gaining it back,…
  • Every week I am able to stomach more and more food. Right now I am getting only a couple means at 1/4 cup size and a yogurt in daily. I can only get about 30-35 grams of protein in via food right now. I always have my greek yogurt. It is the flavor of the protein, that aftertaste that makes me gag. For the past week I have…
  • just when you think you have it all figured out! lol
  • I feel your pain. I got a stall 10 days out and am still here at day 22.....
  • Thanks Pawoodhull! I actually stopped drinking for the most part over a year ago. I have PCOS and it just wasn't worth the extra calories. We are going to a Japanese restaurant so I will be having some soup :) I long for the day where I don't need a nap!
  • I wish I could go. But I know that right now I just don't have the energy. I actually had to have my mom change all her plans a couple days ago so she could drive me to my post op. It is just crazy how tired we get! I look forward to week 6 then! It'll be nice to be able to stay up later than a 3 year old!
  • I felt unprepared also. But mostly, because I hyped my own self up. I thought because I was bending over the day after my c section and I was out and about and off pain killers in two days that it would be a walk in the park. LIES. I literally am now just feeling better and it is day 15. And I still have a pretty sore…
  • I am going to try starting today or tomorrow. I added PB2 to chocolate pudding.....not my favorite thing yet. Can't wait to get more protein from food than these drinks!
  • SarahVIolet19- I am officially on Puree tomorrow, although I have had a couple bites of potatoes and chunkier soup that has been mushed up over the past couple days. I actually gained two pounds at one point, from what I think was a visit from Aunt Flow. But that has since left. I still am struggling with my protein (lucky…
  • Surgery twin! How are you on puree already? I still have 5 days!