

  • Why not do the challenge posted on http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/ ? At least that has achievable goals and rest days built in. 250 squats a day seems far too excessive.
  • I have a Garmin Vivofit that I love. I got the bundle with a chest heart rate monitor and it synchs with MFP. I wear it 24/7 and it helps keep me accountable. I got this one because it runs on a watch battery - so no charging every day, it synchs and it gives you the info on the display so you don't have to synch it to see…
  • How long were you thinking of smiling? Unless you work for Disney or something, surely you don't have to keep on smiling non-stop....?
  • I'm a lot heavier than I should be and decided to go for a recumbent bike, for two reasons: if the thing breaks, I'm nearer to the floor, and it has a wider seat so my bum doesn't get sore just from using it. ;) ;) There is a huge range out there, it really depends on how much space you have to put the bike and how much…
  • I made a long list of reasons I wanted to lose weight, from the obvious health (I'm on bloodpressure meds and want to reduce and hopefully come off them, 4 months in and my doctor is happy for me to start reducing! Yay!) and being able to fit in smaller size clothes and not just having the limited 'big girl' section to…
  • I started with Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home videos I found on Youtube. (I know, she has DVD's too, but this was a way to get started without buying yet another fitness DVD to add to the pile.. ;) ) She has a 1 Mile video that only takes about 20 min. including cool down. Leslie is a bit chatty, which some people don't…
  • Dear pammyd76, You've already lost 8kg! While on here you'll read a lot about how those first kgs are easier to get off than the last few you need to lose, I know first-hand how difficult it is to get started on weight loss and what a change in mindset it is to start taking this serious. Don't let idiots like this rude man…
  • Silly me, why haven't I ever thought of this. I just did an hour on my bike watching the first episode of The Bridge. It flew by and I got a new personal record, too!
  • This website 'poor girl eats well' has some great ideas... http://www.poorgirleatswell.com/
  • I too have recently joined the 200 club and it feels goooood! *group hug*
  • I've been going mad with insomnia. Seems every couple of days I get little or actually no sleep at all at night. I sometimes grab an hour or two during the day, which I know can get me stuck in a vicious circle, but I can't live on 23 hrs of no sleep... This month alone I've had 8 nights of little or no sleep.... Coiuld…
  • So what are the set meals? Can't be that much... :(
  • You need to eat in order to lose weight. 1000 calories is way too low, 1200 is even debatable for a longer period of time. Find yourself a different nutricionist and try again.
  • So glad I found this thread as it's 5:20 on a Sunday morning and I've had a grand total of 1.5 hrs sleep at the beginning of my night... And this was the 2nd night this week that I had little or no sleep. I just can't shut my brain off... :( Thankfully I do not turn to food when I can't sleep, I drink herbal teas when I…
  • Just to clarify, PrimalGirl, you don't wear the HRM strap all day too, do you? I'm looking into the Garmin Vivofit mainly because you don't have to keep charging it, and I like that you can read your progress right there on the band rather than having to synch it to see where you're at in reaching your goals, but Im pretty…
  • The danger is that this is a hobby that can soon turn into an obsession. If you find that you spent all your time reading up on and watching videos on weight loss and are looking for tips and tricks, it might be time to ease up a little and find another interest as well.
  • If 3 weeks is your usual cut-off period, try to go for 2 weeks. You can do 2 weeks. And then when you've done 2, set yourself up for another 2 weeks. You can do this!!
  • Sort out your anger issues? Express your feelings instead of avoiding it by working out? And maybe talk to your mum about when you work out and why it's difficult for you if she interrupts you.
  • I haven't hit any of my goals just yet, but I get a sticker for every work out I do and a star one for every new 'personal best'. ;)
  • So nice to read a detailed story with lots of inbetween photos. Well done on losing the weight and sticking with it. Have to say I relate to where you said that a lot of your hobbies are the ones where you sit down.... ouchh... Keep on riding!
  • Found this link: http://www.undergroundhealth.com/10-amazing-health-benefits-of-rooibos-tea/ If even half of it is true, that's great news for Rooibos-drinkers. ;)
  • Go on Youtube and look for Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home. There are several 'distances', start with 1 Mile, which is 15 min. including warm-up and cool-down. I started doing these and worked my way up to longer distances. Leslie is quite chatty which some might not enjoy, but it took my mind off just how much I was…
  • I add juicy fruits to get it a bit thinner. Nectarines are my current favourites, but sliced strawberries, grapes or oranges work too.
  • Unless you are going for a longggg time (like, months, travelling the world or something...) I would not worry too much. I could not even imagine myself sitting in a restaurant and weighing everything on my plate, think of how messy that would be! Enjoy your holiday!
  • As the saying goes, a little bit of what you fancy does you good.
  • I sometimes fill in my snack or meal before eating it, just to see how it would affect my intake for that day and then decide whether or not to have it or maybe reduce my portions. It really does help with making healthier choices. Also, after filling my food diary out for a few weeks, I now know roughly how many calories…
  • Funny enough, this was at a takeaway place. The owner asked when my due date was. I'd had a busy week and wasn't thinking so I asked 'Due date for what?' She pointed at my tummy and said 'You know.. .the baby!' I told her that there was no baby, so no due date either. 'Oh come on, you can tell me... it's obvious that…
  • Thank you. Slightly OT, but, I've set up this account a while ago before I actually started to do some real work. I haven't got scales at home (I know, I know...) but do measure myself to keep track and log honestly. There's no point otherwise. Once I've had my weigh-in at the doctor's again I will of course update my task…
  • Oh, and to be clear, I don't like sugercoating either. I do appreciate honest advice. And on that note, I'm out. There's calories to be burned! ;)
  • I have to be honest, I didn't read the Law school thread, but in general, I know how forums work and how it can quickly spiral into negativity, when all the OP wanted was some encouragement or advice or support. I know some people are a bit more sensitive than others (might have something to do with selfworth in the end..…