lautour Member


  • BBQ pork wrap. Dessert is grapes.
  • Please listen to this!!! You are at a healthy weight and your caloric needs are higher due to age. Stop fighting this please. If you're dissatisfied with the distribution of fat on your body or have too much body fat, then it's time to focus on your muscles. Everyone asking about thyroid or telling OP to eat less, do you…
  • Because you can. Those ways of eating help people lose weight because they introduce a caloric deficit indirectly, through carb counting and food restriction.
  • I didn't know tuna is dangerous?
  • Me too, I like the late snack too. But of course, the learned also say you shouldn't eat after 7pm or whatever. Not sure why but I eat till midnight
  • I think it depends on your height, weight and activity level, and perhaps your age since metabolism slows as you get older. For my height, 1200 would be my BMR if I were a normal bmi and if I stayed sedentary. I'm short.
  • Thanks for bumping this, I really needed to read it. I'm doing JUDDD, 500 on fast days and 1725 on feast days. I haven't eaten and I feel fine today, which is a fast day for me. I plan to eat something at 4pm, and finish eating two hours before bed which also works out to an 8 hour window since I go to bed late. I've been…
  • I've done it for almost two years on soda. I cut it out completely for six months. Then allowed it and I've only had it a handful of times since I allowed it back. I feel...normal, balanced about it now. I don't drink it more often because I don't drink calories, but when I do have it I don't crave more like I used to.
  • But what does that taste like?
  • If that happened to me I don't think I could fast. A lot of people seem to start needing to eat from the time they wake up. I have always been someone who doesn't get hungry until later in the day, so fasting is a natural fit (only been doing it about a week but I'm finding it easy and I don't get hungry). I only fast…
  • You could try blending them into smoothies. You could try getting one of those cookbooks that teach people how to "hide" vegetables from their kids. You could try ordering vegetable sides at good restaurants, to experience how they can be prepared in a tasty way. That might be half the problem, because growing up in my…
  • Would it help if you considered "sugar addict" as a colloquial term? It just means someone has sugary junk food cravings they can't control. Quite frankly you're massively derailing the thread because it's been clarified many times now.
  • "Don't overdo it" is not a point where many of us are. Simply eating it, sometimes just smelling it, leads to eating until you've gone too far or there isn't anymore. Cutting it out completely for a while might be what's needed to evaluate why you thought you needed to eat so much of whatever it is. Certain foods are…
  • Yeah, what is it about the setting of the sun and those cravings for cakes, cookies, crackers etc? I'm currently trying to figure out how to moderate those same cravings. It's gotten to the point where i have walked to the store in the middle of a raging migraine to get a bag of animal crackers (oh and a honeybun, and…
  • Honey buns ought to be ashamed of themselves, and pop tarts too, if only they were sentient I'd ask for an explanation. All those calories for that little bit. But it's milkshakes that always make me pause.
  • I would eat a ten inch sausage and pepperoni pizza at least twice a week. Now that seems very limiting!
  • All of the ones I like, none of the ones I don't. Basically I can't restrict the types of foods I eat without a really good reason or I rebel. Today I had brownies and pizza and fried food. If I had to pick specific foods I can't resist, yeah, it would be anything fried, chocolate cake-like food, and definitely pizza. But…
  • I struggle mightily, glad to know it's not just me. Certain foods I always overeat, so I can't keep them in my home and if I have to have them, I plan my day around it and account for the FACT that I will eat a lot. Pizza is the hardest one for me. I can't give it up completely and I can't moderate. I will eat all the…
  • Mine is open to everyone but I'm not sure why. I eat wacky and probably going to keep eating that way.
  • I've just started this, today is my first down day. I've been interested in this way of eating for a while because it's flexible, simply structured, and fits the way I naturally eat. Right now is a good time for me to try something new so I'm ready to go! I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy which limits how much I can eat,…
  • That's a yummy looking baby. Okay, maybe that's why it's only most babies to never eat
  • Five foods to never eat (just my opinion): 1. Foods that make you physically sick (unless, of course, getting sick is part of the experience like brain freeze or the coveted milkshake diarrhea) 2. Foods that have been on the floor longer than seven seconds (I'm being generous) 3. Foods cooked by Jeffrey Dahmer (always…
  • I just made these:
  • No, I think she wants to track sugar carbs. Meaning she wants to track carbs but not include fiber, just sugar. This is pretty standard for people doing low carb. The instructions I gave will allow her to do that.
  • You can install this greasemonkey script: First install the greasemonkey addon to your browser. Then install the script. It will automatically add a new column to your diary called "net carbs".
  • Also try the world according to eggface blog, and the bariatric foodie blog.