erinw878 Member


  • I have had amazing results (IBS-D) by taking Digestive Advantage for IBS (intensive bowel support). That, in conjunction with their lactose version, allows me to enjoy a nearly normal diet aside from my strongest triggers and during times of stress. It's much cheaper than activia. I highly recommend!
    in Probiotics Comment by erinw878 May 2014
  • Hello! I am 27, and I've been suffering from IBS for most of my life, although I wasn't diagnosed until I was 20. It has created an anxiety problem for me, which is an issue because, as some of you know, the anxiety triggers an IBS attack. I just take probiotics and always carry pepto and pepper mints with me. Like all of…
  • I'm 4'11. CW: 133 GW: 115 I'm big into strength training, but I need some more motivation to lower my body fat! Unfortunately, I'm married to a man who is 6'4 and can eat whatever he likes :P