angela259 Member


  • My mother and sister are binge eaters as well, and my father and sister are alcoholics. My mother is unwilling to get help and is now having health problems. My sister is currently in therapy. So, I don't have a great support in these issues, clearly they are just trying to handle themselves too. I'm glad we are all here…
  • I have been thinking of watching it over again too. My new fav show in "Jane the Virgin" it is actually pretty funny.
  • we have all had those days. After a bad day I like to drink plenty of water the next day. I spice it up with decaffeinated tea. I like the salt. so I am usually pretty sluggish. If I skip a day, I am more likely to binge the next. :smile:
    in No Shame! Comment by angela259 May 2016
  • I almost ruined it at lunch! I ate a snack pack of cookies from the pantry after lunch and wanted more to munch on. thankfully I stopped, I mindlessly eat sometimes. This is only day 2 of me counting cals...... again
    in No Shame! Comment by angela259 May 2016
  • We have been using the crock pot more and that has helped. I am the only one who cooks in our family (my husband is terrible in the kitchen) I need to make dinners and bring them to work, but Rob waits for me to get home and hasn't eaten him self or our daughter, Emily. Rob is naturally thin and works out quite a bit, so…
  • Hi Krystal! My name is Angie. I am 30 years old. I am a Nurse, Mother and Sunday School teacher. My husband and I coach for the Special Olympics and run a non- profit for special needs families. My life is pretty busy, we are not home often. This leads to a LOT of eating out and late night eating after long shifts at the…
  • It was a busy weekend. Here are my challenges for Sunday and Monday. 4/14 30 min walk and 25 wall pushups. 4/15 50 standing rows.
  • I am wondering this myself. My friend from work downloaded it a few weeks ago. She is only using the app for walking, but really likes it so far.
  • 4/13 Challege completed. 75 wall push ups. (I am on a 5# wt restriction) 25 reps of each with therapy bands: Standing Rows, Shoulder Extentions, Standing Internal and External Rotation, Biceps curls, And Side-Lying "Alligator".
  • Well I am sad to hear about the teams. I had the flu far a few days but am excited for this weeks challenges! Here are my weigh in results for today! SW:184 LW:172.5 TW:169
  • Not yet. I am having an MRI on Monday then stated PT depending on the results. Possibly surgery :(
  • I am probably posting in the wrong spot, but here is me weigh in for 4/5/13! SW:184 LW:176.8 TW:172.5!!!!!!!
  • Hey Bue crew! I just started this challenge and glad to be part of your team. I am on the mend from a shoulder injury so I might need some help modifying a few challenges.
  • Tosh, I think you should give your doc a call. You don't want to damage anything. Better be safe than sorry. Maybe they can recommend some excersies/stretches for you
  • I am in! I am new here and Have only been running for 4 1/2 wks. How do I get the ticker on my page?
  • Wow, we are really close!
  • Hi! I am new to the site. Age: 27 Height: 5'7" SW:184 GW:160 - This is my first goal, but a big one 24 lbs!!!