

  • Funny I think it might be scottish saying.... Basically your muscles are the mattress so whilst exercising you tone the muscles but don't see the real results because the fat is covering it all up (fats the duvet) So I need to get rid of the duvet so people can see my firm mattress!
  • Agree with Tmac I have a trainer twice per week n used to get really frustrated on not getting smaller! But in reality my shape has changed and my fitness has improved dramatically n have only just realized that i needed to eat less to loose weight.... My favourite saying is "no point toning the mattress when the duvet is…
  • This could be me but my hubby works offshore so for 2 weeks I can loose 7lbs then he comes home n cracks open the wine and cooks for 4 (no kids!) and it all goes back on...it's taken me so long to get him to cook I don't want to put him off...