

  • Do an internet search for Trim Healthy Mama (THM) and related posts for many testimonies from people who have lost a lot of weight by changing the timing of when they eat their fats and carbs (in other words, avoiding eating them together).
  • Search "Trim Healthy Mama" and related posts for many, many success stories of how switching up when you eat your carbs and fats can make a difference.
  • Try changing up when your eat your foods. Have proteins and fats at one meal/snack (eggs, meat, cheese, butter) and your carbs at a different time - try to wait 3 hours between the two types of foods.
  • I am going to try the Slim and Sassy drops in a couple weeks. I would try them now, but I misplaced my bottle and have to re-order them. In the meantime, I am going to use the doTerra lemon oil in my water since that also detoxes. In two weeks, I am also going to do the Slim and Sassy wraps for several days in a row.…
  • I know what you mean about no one talking about how heavy you are until you start to lose the weight. Last week, I went to a doctor appointment with my husband. HIS doctor walked in, looked at me, and said "Hey, you look like you're losing weight!" I didn't know whether to be pleased that he noticed or horrified that he…