Hi I just had gastric sleeve surgery on March 22, 2023… where are you on your journey?
I love this challenge. You my dear are the epitome of inspiration to me thank you!
It's been very relaxing and I find myself doing it as often as I can like.... waiting for my son to come out of his appointment. Before I start and end my day. It's brings me back to me
Ok finally I've completed a full Keto Day with no cheating!
Great information here and I'm definitely up for this challenge. I used to get occasional anxiety but recently learned a few breathing techinquest that have calmed me faster than any medication could do. Thanks for such a great challenge!
Squats ✔✔
DAY 2 GOALS FAT~75 CARB~5 PROTIEN~20 YESTERDAY FAT~69 CARB ~17 PROTIEN ~14 Improvement....I'm not there yet but I'll keep trying. ;)
Tried the box squats yesterday. I haven't exercise in a while. So today I felt sore! A good kind of sore, a happy I did it sore. In the morning I did 3 reps of 10 and same in the evening. From 0 to 60 squats in a day..... I'd say that was a good day
Keto Restart : Day 1~ :) Thursday July 6th
I'm in let's squat!!!!! :)
Lets do it ! I've done Keto since March of this year and I know it works, however with my kids visiting back to back it's been havoc on Keto !!!
B) Up at 7:00am sent hubby off to work and finish decluttering the closet. Clean kitchen including sweeping up.
Corine_ortega on fitocracy
In Mississippi - from New Mexico!
Stunning !!! way to Go!!! Yay U!
That's just terrible! I wish u the best and BTW.... Never give up!