I don't have any proof of the detox claims or the arguments thereof. I do find it interesting that the word pesticides and toxins are thrown around repeatedly. I would like to know some of the active ingredients that are being referred to as toxic and that our bodies cannot eliminate. In my younger days I was a crop scout.…
@ socker 22?
You the man! Keep it up!
Western Kansas...Yep the middle of nowhere. You may have heard of the town lately if you watch college basketball cinderella stories...Lol...
Great Job!
mile long
I will add you. Anyone else feel free to add me too. I enjoy reading about different things people are doing and learning from each other. Thanks!
Hair, eyes, attitude!
Mine is open. I do my best, and am getting better as time goes by. I could always use more friends to encourage and be encouraged by. Accountability is key. If I can help someone and be helped along the way that is great. Feel free to add me if you wish!
Google "total body extension". Mike Whitfield demonstrates. It also is called a fake jump by them. You do everything but leave the ground. Would allow you to do the video by JM that you already have and want to do with a great, hard, substitute. Its also not as hard on your knees as jumping but you get all the benefits…