

  • I weighed myself at my parents' house this morning. Wow - I did lose 3/4 of a pound! That's not bad - at least I'm going in the right direction. Woo-hoo! Great job everybody! I agree with Denise - riding really is great exercise. Anyone who doesn't think so has never ridden like we ride! Haha! I'm so glad everyone is doing…
  • Woo-hoo - way to go!!! That's awesome!!! I haven't had a chance to weigh myself yet, but I did take measurements again this morning. Compared to a week(ish) ago, I have lost some inches, but I swear I must've measured wrong, either this morning or the time before, because it says I've lost quite a bit... I actually measure…
  • Dewey (sorry, I'm gonna have a hard time remembering real names here) - I have pretty much always used Fitday.com, and you're so right - it is enlightening. I guess I got used to the micro-managing of food from that site. What blew me away this morning with this site relates to the exercise stuff: 1) When you log strength…
  • Yay!!! Great job, SuperD! I ran a 5k once about 4ish years ago. I have been mentioning to friends that I'd like to do another one now that I'm out of school and have time to train. Of course, I hadn't realized how much of a full-time gig it is to be a Step-Mom to two boys, either, but I'm hoping I can get there again…
  • I think weekly weigh-ins is a great idea! Unfortunately, I don't have a scale at my house. The only time I can actually see my weight is when I go to the gym (which I hate to use, because it's always at night when I'm the heaviest), or when I visit my parents, which is maybe once a month or something? I might just keep…
    in Welcome Comment by jkelley37 March 2013
  • Hey guys! I *just* signed up and didn't get a chance to play with any of the features on MyFitnessPal yet, but I'm so happy to be here with an awesome group of ladies! We can do this!!! :happy: ~Jenny~ (aka: ClassyRide on COTH)
    in Welcome Comment by jkelley37 March 2013
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