jleadie Member


  • I also work 12 hour shifts/ 6 days a week. noon-midnight. I track all day and then workout after work and log that workout on the day I logged food NOT the day you are going into. It has worked great for me.
  • I am in the same boat. I work 12 hr shifts and I have about 8 net carbs recorded! I am not purposely going so low, but I am deployed and we only have so many options over here. Tomorrow will one full week for me and I am down 3 lbs. I can live with that. What I cant live with was the headaches so, I have added a cup of…
  • I eat about 1200 calories a day 6 days a week and on my day off I eat what I want in moderation. Honestly, when I start eating "junk" I have what I call "eater's guilt". Then I think, its gonna take 45 minutes to burn that off. But, as long as I do not go over during the week I do have an ice cream bar (250 calories) or a…
  • Don't get discouraged! I had the same problem. Three weeks and nothing changing on the scale and I was working out like crazy, staying close to 1200 -some days a little less some days a little more- drinking 8-10 bottles of water and the scale would not budge. So, I do have a cheat item on my one day off. Not a cheat day,…
  • I have been doing the same, 1200 a day goal, but usually ends up less. I have been working for the last four months exercising and eating healthy and I am right where you are 11 pounds lost:) So, I guess taht would be about a healthy pound a week, but I sure wish it was more. I also started at 161 and am 5'4". Add me as a…
  • Same problem as you. 150 lbs and cant budge. I eat 1200 calories and workout 55-60 min 6X a week. I also work 12hr days 6 days a week so, you would think I would have melted all these pounds off :( I am going to try the 1500 calories and see if that works.