If a gain in muscle is making pant legs too tight, stop or lessen the exercises that are adding muscle to your thighs, or just buy some new pants.
You can't "Make" a child into anything. Also, if basketball is too butchy don't you think soccer is as well? maybe you want to go with a feminine sport like tennis ~~rolls eyes~~ And everyone knows that you intro your kids into clean eating at 6 months old when you take them off that horrible toxic breast milk and no…
Inspiring job! Great work! You look positively amazing :)
chocolate,.....definitely chocolate
I quit smoking after (too many years I'm embarrassed to say how much and how long) and it was hell......lots of celery and raw vegetables helped, with tons of water and........breathing exercises. An old friend of mine calls the breathing exercises "smoking an air cigarette".....breathe in as fast as you can, hold it just…
I know there are a ton of people that will tell me I am wrong, and that we can all eat "whatever" just in moderation. The problem is: some of us CAN'T eat our craving food in moderation! When we are totally addicted to something, even sugar, it's best to give it up cold turkey and stay away from it until we detox. You…
When you're close to your goals and you're trying to gain muscle and lose fat, maybe the scale won't budge at all? Seems to me that the muscle gains would offset the fat loss.
Having surgery on a stomach to make it smaller? Why not just eat what the docs would have you eat IF you had your tummy made into the size of a walnut? Having fat sucked out of your body? It will just accumulate in other places where you still have fat cells unless you change the way you eat/exercise. Pcos, thyroid,…
You might be crazy,..... Water really shouldn't have a taste to it, and if you drink enough of it, eventually you will learn to love it.