

  • I'm Deanna. I'm a nurse with 2 jobs and a mom to a high energy toddler. I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight (about 90 more lbs to go) but have a strong start the last 2 months. Been working with a trainer and trying to eat high protein/low carb. My favorite workouts are HIIT as I get bored SO easily with doing…
  • I LOVE broiling salmon with dill sauce. I wing most of the measurements so I'll have to guess what I use, but to make the dill sauce: about 1/2 cup mayo (I use full fat because the fat free versions tend to be higher sugar) 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons dried dill Mix together and brush a thin coating over the…
  • So excited for this group! I'm just coming to the end of a 6 week challenge done by the trainer I have been seeing. Was worried about keeping the motivation up after the end of the challenge, as I need some sort of goal or prize (even if its just a mental one). Look forward to kicking my own *kitten* with this group :) I…
  • I'm in the 100+ to go club too. 15 down- 110 to go. I realized that losing weight is hard but being heavy is harder. Take it one meal at a time, because sometimes even a day at a time seems overwhelming. Feel free to add me. :)