AshliColon Member


  • I love that feeling! Sure helps with the motivation too!
    in excited Comment by AshliColon March 2009
  • Awesome--good luck honey! :flowerforyou:
  • and the size of the newspaper! I'm from Juneau, Alaska and our paper (don't even have a Saturday paper...) is pretty darned small!
  • I keep sandwich baggies in the freezer with 1/2 cup of oatmeal (not instant) and 1/2 frozen blueberries. They are easy to grab as you're running out the door. Once I get to my office, I mix with water in a microwave safe bowl and cook for 2-1/2 to 3 minutes. I usually add ground cinnamon just before eating. It's my…
  • Breakfast 1/2 c oatmeal with 1/2 c blueberries, 1/2 serv of walnuts, and one scoop EAS prem protein Snacks Dannon - Light & Fit Strawberry Banana Yogurt, 2 Tangerines Lunch Salmon Burger (Trident Alaskan Salmon Patty), Thomas light multi grain engligh muffin, red onion, red leaf lettuce, tomato, pickle Dinner Salad with…
  • Great job everyone! --ash :flowerforyou:
  • Barefootbabe~ I'm sure there will be plenty of folks who will be interested in another shred challenge. I know I will likely want to run another course as I have plenty more weight to lose! :smile: Let us know when you get your DVD! --ash
  • Thanks for the welcome Emikarl! I finished my first round of level 1. It was intense, but I did the elliptical at lunchtime and also did a strength training routine with my husband just before doing level 1. I think next time I'll spread them out and do shred in the morning and weights with my hubby in the evening! I was…
  • Good luck to you too Nich0le (and the rest of the challengers)! Friendly competition is wonderful! Plus, having to report my progress weekly to everyone is sure to put a fire under my buns! lol. my biggest motivator is probably my no-children-allowed vacation to Hawaii in January. Would love to be close to my goal weight…
  • I bought the DVD last night and plan to start it tonight. I weigh in on Tuesdays and can post results then (also on the black team for the biggest loser challenge). Hope nobody minds me joining the challenge late! --ashli
  • I plan to weigh in Tuesday and post same day...that way if I get side tracked for any reason, I'll still have time to post my numbers and not be late! I can't wait to jump on the scale tomorrow morning. I am feeling good about the numbers I'll see! Go Black Team! --ash
  • I spent my Saturday fishing and soaking up the wonderful sunshine we had today (we haven't gotten too much this summer!). Ate my oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast and managed to avoid the snacks that were packed on board. Had a wonderful lunch of some fresh caught Alaska coho salmon and a sliced apple with laughing cow…
  • I started my weight loss journey weighing 275 and wearing a size 22. Now 60+ pounds lighter I am wearing a size 16. Some are too large, but haven't found any 14s that fit comfortably enough--little too form fitting! oh, and I'm also 5' 8". :smile:
  • Yay! I'm on a team too! Can't wait for weigh in next week...hope to see good numbers!!! --ash :tongue:
  • I live in Juneau the capital of Alaska...population 30,000+. In our backyards we have gold mines, glaciers and national forests! It's quite beautiful here! We gets TONS of rain and this year we had a very unsunny summer, but despite all that my hubby and I managed to tick of several hiking trails off our list. There are so…
  • Hi, all. I just joined this challenge and am a new member to the black team. I had gallbladder surgery last week and am finally starting to feel better. I plan to start back on my exercise regimen today. Yea!!! I've been eating right and still lost a couple pounds, but am missing my exercise! Anyway, I plan to lose 2 to 3…
  • I mixed a cup canned chopped clams with fat free sour cream and seasoned with salt, pepper and worcestershire sauce and piled it into some green leaf lettuce leaves with sliced tomato. All that for 200 calories! :bigsmile: --ash Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • This sounds great, thanks!
  • PERSONAL BIRTHDAY CHALLENGE Start Date: 6/5/08 Upcoming Birthday: 04/24/08 Duration of Challenge: 46 weeks Starting Weight: 221.8 Goal Weight: 140 Total Pounds to Lose: 81.8 Average Pounds Per Week to Lose: 2 Checkpoint 1: 8/25/08 Goal Weight: 201.4 Weigh IN: (Loss/Gain): Checkpoint 2: 11/13/08 Goal Weight: 180.9 Weigh IN:…
  • Oh, how I love broccoli...too bad it doesn't love me back! lol. can't eat the stuff, makes me double over in pain. :sad:
  • According to the USDA Nutrient Database: 100 grams (all varieties) = 160 calories 100 grams (california) = 167 calories 100 grams (florida) = 120 calories --ash :smile:
  • hmmm, don't know about nips on a tray! however they do it--i'm game. Anything to bring them to their former glory and (smaller) size...*sigh*
  • LOL. You guys are funny. I can't wait to lose mine although that last time I was at my goal weight they were a full D. Once I get to my goal weight and keep it off for a year...i'm all about lift and reduce! :tongue:
  • That sounds like a great time! If I ever get that way, I'll have to check it out! There are some absolutely beautiful, awesome hiking/camping trips to be had here in Southeast Alaska as well. My husband and I recently did a 5.5 mile hike to the Eagle Glacier Cabin and camped for a couple nights with some friends of ours.…
  • I do! I live in Alaska and in my area there isn't much for shopping. I travel quite a bit so am always trying to load up on sale/clearance clothes in a size smaller than I am. It's worked out quite well, since I don't have many transitional clothes to work into. I have a lot more transition to go through, but I'll get…
  • Congrats to you! I can't wait until I can get into good enough shape to run--never mind competing!
  • I'm not chasing after young children, but some days have that same issue. I usually cut up carrots or celery or portion out some prunes, and also try to keep low cal/fat yogurt and fruits on hand at work that I can easily eat...with one hand as I am always on the phone, checking email, meeting with co workers, etc.If I…
  • I used to love my soy caramel lattes...but now I'm content to order a (double) shot in the dark with sugar free caramel syrup and light cream. If they use an ounce of half and half then it's only 40 calories. I wish I could try the cinnamon dulce latte that someone else mentioned, but no milk for me! And no one ever seems…
  • My husband made me breakfast burritos for dinner: La Tortilla whole wheat tortillas (small size), egg beaters, ro-tel, cheddar flavor veggie shreds (fake cheese), and turkey bacon. YUM! :happy:
  • Wow! There sure are a lot of us! I rang in the new year at 275 lbs wearing a size 22. I've managed to shed 47 pounds since then and still have nearly 90 lbs to my goal weight. MFP makes it so easy to keep you on track and gives me hope that I will ring in 2009 having reached my goal! --ash :flowerforyou: