hhmorgan22 Member


  • http://www.katheats.com/kaths-tribute-to-oatmeal
  • i usually have 1 bad day a week and it's almost always on Saturday. I eat everything I want but try to find healthier versions of it... like yesterday i hate a lot of the "no pudge" brownies bc i was craving brownies all week. then later i ate some cinnamon toast crunch cereal with FF yogurt. also had some chickfila bc i…
  • when i first lose a lot of weight i only drank water. and LOTS of it throughout the day. i also never went 3-4 hours without a healthy snack or small healthy meal. made myself eat big salad for lunch and dinner and worked out 5-6 days a week for 30 minutes. i found i lost the most weight when i began jogging/running for…