jrdouce Member


  • I don't think it's bad, but I wouldn't have both corn and bread. Grains are high calorie and low nutrients. I'd rather drop the corn, have a second egg and a little spinach to the mushrooms to add some greens and fiber.
  • You would be much better off starting with light squats to check your form and core strength. You are stressing a lot more areas of your body with a squat than a press machine. Spend a couple of workouts building up safely.
  • I wear mine, a garmin vivoactive HR, just to capture the activity to my dashboard.
  • Sandbags, great workout. The shifty nature of a huge bag of sand forces you to balance throughout the exercise. You can find fancy, expensive ones, or just use duct tape to reinforce a 50# bag of play sand from toys r us.
  • How well are you sleeping? I was like that for years, I had chronic sinus issues so I was breathing poorly all night long, never getting quality rest. I finally got some meds that worked, took them for 3 years while I got more serious about my exercise, now no meds and better sleep.
  • Grapenuts by a mile. Wheat, Malted Barley, Salt and yeast. It's crunchy Beer! Love it with fresh fruit in it (the grapenuts, not the beer). Add warm milk in the winter and it's better than oatmeal.
  • You have to listed to your body. If I eat within a couple of hours before I lift, at any time of the day, I'll puke. It's like the old "don't go in the water for an hour after eating". If you can handle something light, and you feel good, you've found your balance.
  • I was going to say nothing really, I tend to loose myself in my headphones on the treadmill, but Fan bug the hell out of me. I hate it when people point the fan in my direction. I don't want a blast of air whipped up from the gym floor, past sweaty feet and into my face.