SlimdownMommie Member


  • I have been exactly where you are right now. I am currently in week 6 of my c25k app. When my friend and I started we could barely do it for 1 minute let alone 20. And we did the same thing....Looked ahead! and every week we said "How are we ever going to make it happen" BUT WE DID!! It is challenging and at times I felt…
  • I usually log my house cleaning in the exercise I usually down play my time though. For instance, if I know I have cleaned for 4 hours with out taking a break, i will only log 2 hours of it because some of those times I could be standing to do the dishes or folding the laundry. Everything thing else I am up and walking…
  • I absolutely track everything I eat. Even If i know that I will go over my calories for the day. It is a great way for me to stay accountable, but it is also a great way for me to get in exercise. There are some days that I just feel like eating everything in the kitchen and not want to exercise. On those days, it also…
  • I haven't cut anything completely out. I do however keep things in moderation. I have found that as long as I track all my calories I can still have the things I enjoy. I have also found ways to lower the calories in some of my favorite foods, and I love creating new foods with lower calories. :happy: