

  • :love: Oh my, I made these today and they are awesome! Yum.... I am just not sure the calorie count is correct. How many are you making? I made 24....
  • Wow, that is great! :happy:
  • Congrats on the smoking! This month is 10 months for me and yes, I gained about 15 pounds. This is a great site, I just joined last week. I love it too! Good luck!:happy:
    in Hi~ Comment by ljoyner February 2008
  • :smile: Wow I love this site! It is so easy to use! I quit smoking 10 months ago and packed on some unwanted weight...I have lost almost 10 pounds in a month and hoping for 10 more. I ALWAYS ate what I wanted, when I wanted so eating healthy has been a challenge, but a challenge that is getting easier by the day. Thx!!!
    in New Comment by ljoyner February 2008