

  • Hi there Weekends are a big struggle for lots of people, you are not alone!! From the sounds of it you know what it is you have to do, its just finding the will to do it. What has worked for me is to try not to build weekends up into this big thing where there are different to all the other days in the weeks. I know after…
  • Brilliant progress! You can really see a difference! Good luck with getting to your next goal in September! :o)
  • Sounds like you've tried inside/outside/home/gym/class all the variations, maybe its time to give yourself a break? So you don't like exercise......I think the secret is, neither do most people! You get hot/sweaty/uncomfortable/bored/'d have to be crazy to find that combination appealing! If someone said to…
  • WOW! A massive congratulations to you for managing to overcome your health problems and get to a healthy weight, you look great and your story is very inspiring :o)
  • Don't listen to your eyes, they aren't telling you the truth. I can see a huge difference in those pictures!! A massive well done for what you've achieved so far and good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey xxxx
  • W O W !! You are on hell of an amazing chap! xx
  • OMG thank you for this post! I thought it was just me!! I tend to just put up with it and/or try and wiggle my toes as I run......which can be a bit tricky :O)
  • I've been Nordic walking regularly for over a year now and can highly recommend it! Its great for posture and great for fitness. The use of the poles engages your core muscles meaning that you burn more calories than walking without the poles. The poles also give stability coming downhill. taking pressure off hip and knee…
  • crikey! you look like a different person!! Completely amazing, well done!!
  • Welcome to the MPF family! The only thing you're going to find here is encouragement and support. No judgement. No rights, no wrongs. The thing you'll find out very quickly is that EVERYBODY here has their own story, their own version of the things you are feeling about yourself and every person on this site is taking…
  • I aim to 'eat back' about half of my exercise calories and thats been working for me, a steady 1lbs a week weight loss for that last 6 weeks. I think its important to remember that its not an exact science and that you have to find what works for your body and that may take a little time. I also pay more attention to my…
  • Amazing! Huge congratulations, you've inspired me to keep going! xx
  • I'm in Somerset UK! As opposed to Somerset, Pennsylvania or some other confusingly same-named place in America :o)
  • Beegale is my nickname based ont he last two syllables of my first name which is Abigail.....
  • brazil nuts! or any nuts long as they aren't covered in salt sodium shouldn't be a problem. Hope that helps......I wish I had 2400 a day to eat.....won't catch me eating any Brazil nuts on 1390 cals a day!! :o)
  • Hello My calorie intake for 1lb a week weight loss is 1390, and to begin with I was hungry. I've been going about 3 weeks now and things have changed, and I'm not so hungry. I also exercise to 'gain' extra calories, although I don't eat all of them back, it does give you a bit of wriggle room on your daily intake. Perhaps…
  • Crikey! You have lost over 100lbs!! AMAZING! I know its terrifying to think of putting on weight but surely, just a week or so to test the water and see what works for your body is worth it to enable you to carry on with your journey? Even if (heaven forbid!) you put on a pound or two at least it will give you the…
  • forgive made a bad food choice.....and that's all it was, one bad choice out of millions of choices that you will make over the course of your life. Perhaps the next choice you should make is about how to see yourself? Are you going to think of yourself as 'big' and 'unhealthy' or are you going to choose to…
  • Muscle is heavier than volume. There you go, myth cleared up!