A sperm whales brain and a guinea pig! :-))
hi 1. Where were you born? - Rustington, West Sussex 2. Where do you live at the moment? Bromley, Kent 3. Where else have you lived? Chichester, Bognor, Portsmouth 4. What is your current occupation? medical secretary What is your dream occupation? french language translator 5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :) I'm…
well done you! I quit 10 months ago and also had a major op so put on around 3 stone, but have managed to nearly lose 1 of them already - keep going! xxx
hellloooo from Kent - you can add me if you like x
10 dozen large eggs - 15lbs :-))
Hiya - I'm here and in Kent :tongue:
this is only my second week with MFP but will be giving up potatoe and using things like rice and beans to fill me up instead!