

  • When I was pregnant I was under the impression that I could eat anything I wanted and snap back into shape again as soon as I'd given birth, however this was not the case and I found myself 3 stone heavier for about a year afterwards. I then accepted the size I was as 'fate', although I hated it. Almost 2 years since…
  • I've been eating healthy and doing the gym 2-3 times a week, I keep weekends for my treats though not prepared to give all up haha x
  • Starting weight was 144 pounds, I'm now at 130 and aiming for 119. That's my pre-baby weight and my daughter is now 2 so thinking I can't get away with "I've just had a baby" any more haha xxx
  • That's ridiculous! I'm forever posting things on FB related to my weight loss (or lack of it some weeks!) because I enjoy the support and encouragement my friends give me. If someone feels the need to act that way towards you they must have insecurities in their own life. Keep up the good work! xxx