

  • Dates are a must, at least for me! The really soft, squishy medjool dates taste so much like caramel. I really love frozen banana ice-cream with some nice soaked and pitted dates on top. It's sweet, and a healthier alternative to regular ice-cream.
  • Yeah, people tend to interrogate me whenever I admit to being vegetarian. For that reason, it's not something I really feel comfortable sharing with others. It only comes up if I'm eating at a new person's house or eating out, and then you have to deal with the whole 20 questions thing. A few years ago, when I first made…
  • Maybe you should try eating some extra fruit to fill your caloric needs? Just something low fat and high carb that will give you the energy to keep moving! I of course do not know your exercise routine, but a thirty minute intense cardio workout just twice a week could probably help boost your metabolism (and help shed…
    in Frustrated Comment by jmdin March 2013
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