

  • Happy Mothers Day everyone! Spent most of mine in bed so far. Kids are brill but know they find the whole illness difficult. Can't tell you how reassuring it is that other people can't exercise on top of normal day to day commitments either. I seem to be eating less than I ever have but still not losing weight - very…
    in Group Comment by jaimierayner March 2013
  • Thanks Gals, I'll look into it. Interesting thought about the yoga for pregnant women!:drinker:
  • Hi, I'm just sooo pleased to find some more women in my situation! I've looked for local support groups but they are all at least an hours drive from me which is fine if I plan to do nothing else for the rest of the week but not very practical! I've been working with a lady who is a trained physio and nutrionist but has…
    in Group Comment by jaimierayner March 2013
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