MelissaSuko Member


  • Awww. My highest weight was 320 and I am a rather small framed chickie. I have lost 112 so far, but I am still 208. It is not easy. It took me making lifestyle changes. I lost the first 40 relatively fast, but then stuck there for about a year until I got my butt in gear again. Honestly I am vegan now. I have been since…
  • I am a Witch and mother who practices with a group of druids near Chicago. I was a HP about 15 years ago in southern Indiana and ran a small coven of 14. I also went Vegan June 1st of 2012. I am relatively new to myfitnesspal, My highest weight was 320 three years ago, so I know what it is like to take up that goal that…
  • oooh yum. I love sweet potatoes. I would love to try it.