amandabrady Member


  • My thoughts exactly hahaha
  • I love the idea of a 'fitness savings account' haha that one of the girls had...two dollars per pound and a dollar per workout! Sounds like a great idea, I think I'll make a cute little jar and leave it sitting out where I have to stare at it and the money inside LOL. New workout clothes, or maybe new running shoes, shoot…
  • Wings baby, WINGS!!!!! Detroit all the way!!!!!! <3
  • I initialed at 29, maxed at 32 for this week! Kind of worried that my other workouts are gonna affect the numbers a little bit but hey, as long as I keep working towards my goals it's gonna get better!
  • I'm 5'2" and that's where my weight floats, too. I have a small frame and typically when I gain it all goes straight to my stomach! I'm not looking to lose so much as just tone and strengthen my muscles, especially in my abdomen. I don't eat perfectly, but I do try to stay away from the really bad stuff (never drink soda,…
  • I'll do it! This is right up my alley!!
  • Ahahahaha you guys are killin' me here!!!!
  • This pretty much sums it up. I have grown up on the stuff but since cutting it almost out of my diet now I am feeling way better! I've subbed in plain almond milk now for times when I still need milk.
  • Welcome! I'm not quite as young as you (25) but I agree that the weight can come off quickly for young people. I'm not sure if you will get quite that much off in four and a half months, and they say losing too much too fast isn't good for the body either. I'd say though somewhere around 40lbs is definitely achievable if…
  • You have to eat all those calories and meet your calorie goal! MFP already sets you at a deficit to begin with, so when you burn even more calories off you have to eat those back to balance it out. Eating too few calories can actually hinder your body's weight loss progress, not to mention if you are burning that many…
  • That was amazing!!! I hope my body has that kind of ability at 84 years old!!
  • bump
  • I usually weigh myself about once a week or even once every other week. I do mornings when i first get up, right after i use the restroom and before I eat or drink anything. It doesn't really matter if you chose morning or evening as long as you chose the same one every single time. I like mornings because I haven't drank…
  • I log it because it is an activity related to my workouts and fitness goals. I stop and take time out of my day to do it, and I stretch for longer periods of time so I choose to count it. It doesn't burn a lot of calories but I still like to keep track! I wear a hrm but they have mild stretching as well as hatha yoga built…
  • I wear things like leggings with longer, loose fitting tops when I get stuck in between sizes. Cute and comfortable, you can dress black ones up with just about any type of top and shoes
    in PANTS! Comment by amandabrady April 2011
  • As someone with a tiny chest, I'd say go for the smaller size rather than the larger. Nothing is worse than having a bathing suit that is saggy in the boobs area...they might be small but they still need a little support to prevent a wardrobe malfunction! You've got 7 more lbs still till your goal and you've been focusing…
  • I'm always get a little itchy after I workout and I'm all sweaty, but nothing extreme and I feel fine after a shower. Do you think it could be like a heat rash? Armpits don't always get the most breathing room and there's lots of friction going on during a workout...try wearing a looser fitting tank top and see if it…
  • Forgot to post my measurements, sadly they're virtually the same. It's my TOM so hopefully my stomach measurements could be fractionally smaller, lol, that's really the only thing I need to change. My hip measurements actually increased a quarter of an inch, random. Last week's challenge felt good, here's to a new week!…
  • Mine isn't public and I don't really see why it needs to be. It is a tool for me to keep track of what I eat, what's in what I eat, etc. I don't ask for help with my eating habits and to be honest I don't look at other peoples' diaries. I'm not seeing the connection between me making my diary public and you having a…
  • If you want different types of pushups/sit ups I could message you a variety and how many I do of them! I have some that I run through as 'extras' outside of my regular workouts.
  • You could try a pilates dvd, that involves lots of core and toning, and by following along to a routine it takes out the guess work of how long, how much, etc. also has tons of workouts that are challenging and definitely would tone you up. They're not too long and work you hard. As for the pilates dvds, many…
  • Green tea does contain caffeine! Personally I only count my water. I don't drink any sodas period, teas and things like that I just make mental note of as being extra on top of my goal for the day.
  • If you know that the food is unhealthy to the point that you yourself will not consume it, why would you feed it to your loved ones?
  • Eh, mine isn't really but I'm an adult and if I don't like what is being made I just get something else to eat for myself. To be honest, if you are preparing a meal for your family and your daughter isn't a fan of what's on the menu, then I'd suggest to her that she cook herself something else that she likes (I'm taking a…
  • THANK YOU. Ladies, you're not going to turn into the incredible hulk from doing P90X. You might get cut and look very sculpted, but you're not going to pack on all these pounds of muscle, it just doesn't work that way! I'd go for P90X and just modify the moves, but it is all about personal preference and what you'll be…
  • Nice guns!!! Way to go!!
  • Does anyone else feel like this week's challenge is insanely difficult??? Wow I put in my first 300 yesterday and oh my goodness I hurt today. Not sure how I'm going to get through them the rest of the week, probably will have to modify to include easier ones like incline push ups and push ups done from the knees...I still…