

  • I like to chew some gum actually I really like the STRIDE brand 'kinetic fruit' has b6 and b12 in it...soo yummy lol
  • i have a recipe that calls for sugar free apple juice to make it stick together...has less calories and sugar than the ones with honey or syrups...If you like I can dig it out for you? its super healthy if you wanna eat sweet stuff I will eat a fruit salad when I have a craving or take my yogurts and throw them in the…
  • my wake up call actually came in 2 dad passing last year he died on his 49th bday. and my oldest daughter told me she wasnt ever gonna have children if she was gonna be fat like me then my youngest would proceed to "jiggle" mommy....thats it I have to do it i told myself and after my 1st weigh in I lost nearly…
  • I would take a break and just go for a long walk and then work out every other day...then work up remember to breath while your working out and drink lots of water....try not to exert your self...its ok to push yourself but dont hurt yourself good luck hun oh and for every hour of exercise your supposed to take a break....
  • girl if you lost 60 you can loose the rest! you can totally do it!! :bigsmile:
  • white chicken chili is super yummy plus lots of protein cumin, onions,garlic,bell peppers, pretty much whatever you like with your chicken and your servings though..yum this is something my whole family loves