- These are quite good! I definitely recommend adding the additional chocolate chips on top. Something tastes a bit 'different' then a regular brownie but I thought it was still good, and good when you are having a chocolate craving!
Hey! Female 24 years old 6 ft 292 lbs
Bump - must save to try this week!
So unfortunate. I thought Rachael looked great when she was leaving the ranch! I know its a competition and she wanted to win, she demonstrated how competitive she was throughout the whole season. Biggest Loser will be talked about a lot in the coming days...
I am so thankful for this thread! I just bought my food scale last week (just waiting for it to arrive) and would have never thought that the cup serving suggestion wouldn't also equal the oz or gram suggestion that is labelled right beside it. Thank you all for the help! I will definitely be weighing everything once I…
You look awesome! Congratulations on your success!!
bump as a reminder!