disneywm76 Member


  • Been there, done that. I know that in my case, I wanted to change my lifestyle and be more active. While I was married to a morbidly obese, painkiller addicted (without my knowledge) husband, there was no way that could happen. We were both unhealthy, mentally and physically. He didn't want to change. I did. I wasn't going…
  • Accountant for a medium size international law firm. Very interesting and disgusting at the same time! :tongue: But I love what I do and who I work with. I got to go on a company paid "business" trip to London a few years ago. Now they might send me to Moscow. LOVE IT!!! Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.... Edited…
  • If he shoots me down I'll still have to see him every week when they have lessons. :sad: Really starting to think that I'm going to do something though. I have to take a chance every now and then and why not with somebody like him? I've been told by a friend that's seen a pic that he's not good enough, so why not?? :laugh:
  • Hhhmmm...fun topic!! MFP crush, maybe one. Always like to see what is said in his posts. :love: RL: One of my daughter's swim instructors.....HAWT body...super nice...great wth kids. Don't think he knows I'm alive and available though. :sad: Trying to figure out if I want to say something to him or not..... But crushes are…
  • Wow...........just.........wow at some of these.
  • I honestly think it has to do with potential. May sound weird, but if I think there might really be something that could develop, I tend to be more nervous. Here lately though, I haven't been nervous...not sure if that's good or bad. I guess I've just come to realize that whatever happens is how things are supposed to go…
  • No kidding.....There will be a sense of familiarity there that the "online" daters don't have!! You guys know each other already and are on friendly terms. Have fun!
  • I like this way of looking at it. At worst, you'll have some crazy/funny/bizarre story to tell your friends. I know it was a joke amongst my group of friends for a while about all that wacky dates I had. Go. Have fun. If you still feel meh afterwards, at least you gave him a chance and will have no "what if" thoughts.…
  • Me too!!! Quite nice, eh?? :happy:
  • Is there any other way to clean??? :laugh: You have to make it fun for them, that's for sure!
  • Honestly Moe, I think its different for everybody. I've been working on bettering myself for a year or so, and for the first time I looked in the mirror the other day and my first thought was "wow, you look small!". I can't say I've EVER had that thought before. I've also had people at work telling me how I look "skinny"…
  • I say have your son help you where he can. Just tailor the chores to his age. I have both of my girls help me with the household chores. It's part of living in my house. I have an 8 year old and a 4 year old. My girls have actually been fightling lately over who cleans which bathroom....I fixed that!! The 8 year old gets…
  • :heart: :heart:
  • I can so relate to this. Thanks, JJ, for saying it so well! :flowerforyou:
  • That's a great question, Ruth, and I can see your point. We are all strong in different ways depending on our circumstances. What I feel makes me a strong woman is this; I am an educated, successful (both in my work and my finances) single mom raising two kids. I own my home, my car, have minimal debt and manage to have a…
  • This is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I read your reply. Like he's telling you all that to make himself sound good to you when in reality he's just as bad as the coworkers he's talking about. And I agree with DM, actions speak way louder than the words he's speaking. Other than the words being inappropriate and…
  • Aw, that's awesome Janie! Congrats!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks, Lacroyx!! ^^^^ this for me.
  • It is not pathetic and whiney. But obligated? Wow....that would hit me hard too. I just try to do nice things for myself since I don't have anybody to do them for me. :tongue:
  • I hear ya!! Although I'm on the upper end of the "average" category, there are still a ton of people who filter me out. But it only takes one and I'm holding on to hope! :flowerforyou:
  • This, totally. I wondered if I was the only one that felt this way. Sad to hear that I'm not, but glad at the same time!! :flowerforyou:
  • Because you have experienced this in the past, this is your natural reaction. Once you've been through it a time or two, I would bet that it won't be an issue anymore. Good luck!!
  • I'd say try not to beat yourself up over it any more. Maybe he was brought into your life so you could figure out you aren't as far along as you originally thought? So just keep focusing on you, and you'll get there. :flowerforyou:
  • I hate to hear that you are going through this, but I agree with the others. A counselor is going to be the best option for you right now. But my first instinct is to tell you that you aren't ready...for whatever reason. Because of this, it makes me wonder how long you've been seperated/divorced and how long were you…
  • This...............
  • That is awsome. Thanks for sharing!
  • ^^^^ This. Thanks for saying it so well, Kerry. :flowerforyou:
  • You're not kidding!! Even if a person has zero intentions of ever doing anything, the emotional/intimate connection with someone other than your spouse/partner is incredibly damaging to the relationship. I've been on both sides of the issue, and it's not good for anybody. I remember being quite jealous of the people the ex…
  • Raises hand.......Looking back I was high on the emotion and didn't evaluate the ex husband as I should have. But, being a teenager didn't help the situation any either. :embarassed: Have I learned from it? You bet!!! I look at people in a much different way now than I did 15+ years ago. I have found that as I've gotten…