

  • 1st Weigh-in for week ending March 27/13 SW 163.5 CW 162.1 Interestingly, I had expressed my frustration at actually gaining a small amount of weight while sticking to 1200 cal per day for the past 2 weeks, so I increased my calories per day by a couple of hundred and actually lost weight. I'll try it again this week and…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by zoomerrs March 2013
  • Nice to hear this information as I just posted my frustration as eating 1200 cal per day for the past 2 weeks and I actually gained 1 lb at my WW weigh in on Saturday. I'm pretty sure my body has adjusted down to 1200 cal and is storing every last one of them because it thinks I'm starving it. I'm going to up my calories…
  • Join the club, I've been eating well (1200 cal) every day and have lost less than 1/2 lb in two weeks. Not sure why my body is fightiing soooo hard to keep these pounds? I would say your new workout plan may be to blame, but hopefully it will all balance out in the end, that's what I keep telling myself.
    in Weigh Ins Comment by zoomerrs March 2013
  • I agree that most people who talk about all the dieting they're doing and exercise yet you see no results are lying to themselves. I have several close relatives who are morbidly obese who regularly profess how little they eat, so they have no idea why they can't take off the weight. They are totally deluding themselves…
  • I've been sticking pretty consistently to a 1200 calorie intake, but I am concerned that my body has adjusted to this as I really haven't seen the scale move much in two weeks. I don't know if I should reduce it more or add more because maybe my body is storing whatever I eat?
  • I'll defintely post my weekly weigh-ins on our forum. I've been weighing in at WW on Saturdays and MFP on Sundays just because that's when I started each program. So far I've lost a whole .4 lbs.
    in Weigh Ins Comment by zoomerrs March 2013
  • I love seeing progress pictures as they are great inspiration to me, good work!!!!
  • This is a timely post as I've had the same issue these past couples of weeks, two birthdays dinners out, girls dinner night out, co-workers wanting to go out for drinks after work etc. It can get stressful with all the landmines I'm trying to avoid. Couple of things I've done is I go out with my co-workers, but order a…
  • Hi Group, Hope your week is going well. I'm a little frustrated as I'm eating well all week, but the scale doesn't seem to want to budge. I weigh in at WW tomorrow and unless the weight loss fairies visit me over night I fear I might be the same. I know I should only be weighing in once a week, but I can't help it. Usually…
  • At heart I'm a lazy person, but once I start exercising I get more motivated. I think I need to find more recreational sports type activities as I really don't feel like I'm exercising when I'm playing a sport. Can't wait for the snow to go, so I can get out on the tennis courts and try out my new racquet. Think I'm also…
  • Ht: 5"4'' Age/gender: 46/Female Highest: 181 lbs (not counting pregancy highs) Lowest: 105 lbs (teenager, running a lot) Current: 163 lbs Goal: 140 lbs (I look and feel great between 138-142 lbs, but I really need to tone up along with this)
  • Logging my food intake is my most important tool when losing weight, it's hard to argue with yourself when it all there in black and white. Unfortunately I have to also give up alchol as I find even when I count it into my daily intake it stalls my weight loss completely. Fortunately I'm not a big drinker to start with, so…
  • I'm doing WW at same time so don't always know calories as I track points, but since I started putting in my food on MFP it looks to be about 1200. Not doing much exercise lately, but intend to rectify that issue. I'll be honest I don't love vegetables or fruit and have to make a conscious effort to include a few servings…
  • I sometimes have the same issue and have suspected for awhile now that I may have IBS. I have added a probiotic to my daily diet along with increased fibre that seems to have self-regulated the situation.
  • I go to Vegas once, sometimes twice a year, so I know exactly how you're feeling. The last trip I took was for one week in Sept/12 and I did not gain a pound and didn't feel I deprived myself either. We walked everywhere, probably 10+ miles per day, enjoyed whatever food I wanted, but only ever ate half the meal, limited…
  • Hello all! I'm Roni Sue and I just rejoined WW last week after losing 21 lbs last year and then took a 6 month break as I was travelling too much. I knew I'd need more support than just WW's weekly meeting to lose my last 23 lbs, so my daughter showed me this site. I'd love to hit target weight by summer holidays starting…
  • Thanks for setting up this group, I just joined it through the Groups tab for anyone who's looking for it. Just enter the groups name and join and you'll be good to go.
  • I'm in, I have 23 lbs to lose so this would be a great motivator. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hello, I'm currently still doing WW, but since I only have a short weekly meeting I thought it'd would be nice to also have additional support. Lost 21 lbs last year on WW and took a 6 months break from the plan, but have since regained about 5 lbs, so need to get working again and take off the balance. I think regardless…