Proud of her body
Lovely Smile
sexy selfie
Bowtie!! :O)
Driven and motivated. Beautiful qualities.
delicious body
Same here. About 130 or so to lose. Desperately need friends that are motivational and also HONEST. Friend request sent, and anyone else please feel free to add me. The more the better.
- Something we don't really tell people, but my family knows.....
Sassy sort of confidence. refreshing :)
Nice abs
The loooove
Wow- unsure of what I expected but the amount of replies astounds me. I never intended on telling him anything at all, but he kept wanting to come with me to the dr for appointments and such and he kept asking me questions, so I just blurted something out. Also his exwife was a good 330 and he always says that she has at…
Mmmmmmhhmmmm!!! I has no friends :(