mallen40 Member


  • I will need to make some up to keep on hand. It sounds like it would work good for headaches too.
  • Love coconut milk. I use it or almond milk for my protein shakes. It mixes better than milk and sits lighter in the tummy. I use almond milk more but switch between for a different taste. My daughter even loves drinking them both and like it for my cereal :)
  • Like the article! Gave some good info to help turn negative self talk around. I have always been negative about myself, never could say or find anything good to say about me. Even when someone would compliment me I always had a remark to degrade it or would just think "they are just saying that to be nice". My self esteem…
  • I take just a multi-vitamin in addition to Biotin and a probiotic. During the winter months I do zinc and vitamin C. I have tried those for weight loss but none seems to help or they gave me the "shakes". I have found just eating right and exercising gives me the energy I need and feel so much better. By the way I saw in…
  • Where did you get the recipes for the 10 day cleansing regime? Sounds like something I would like to give a try :)
  • Thanks for the info!!! It was very helpful and gave me some really good tips to keep motivated!
  • I am back on track this week. Last week was a little hard due to some emotional/stress stuff going on in life and resulted in emotional eating but I didn't gain, I lost which is good. I think it is due to what I selected to eat. Instead of junk (cake, candy, chips etc) I grabbed for an extra granola bar or carrots. I think…
    in Roll Call Comment by mallen40 April 2014
  • It is shocking when you see the numbers!! We don't drink a lot of pop/soda in our house & our daughter will ask for water rather than a pop. As soon as she was able to drink from a cup it was either milk or water and limited the juice since those have A LOT of sugar. I have to share a funny in regards to that and keep in…
  • Great info!! It makes since. Lately I seem to feel the best around my lunch hour during work. That is why I started walking, weather permitting. The last 3 days have been cold, with snow one of those days. There are some days when I have push myself to workout when I get home but usually feel good afterwards. I seem to…
  • I love waffles and great to have a recipe that won't make me feel guilty afterwards :wink:
  • I know what you mean by having food as a comfort. I used food to deal with stress, depression, anger, etc. It was very hard to break myself of that. I don't care what anyone says but just like alcoholism, eating can be just as bad. It took a lot of trial and error to find what works for me to not eat when stressed or…
  • Great info!! Thanks!! I need to put a lot of these items in my cupboard!! Thank you for all the great info, it is a huge help in this journey.
  • I hope everything works out. Family comes first and you need to take care of first you & family so it is understandable. Things are going well this week for me. Have not eaten any junk except yesterday. We celebrated a couple co-worker's birthdays and I took a slice of ice cream cake. BIG MISTAKE!! My stomach did not agree…
  • Mine was a good weekend. I had to go and get some stronger meds for this bronchitis I have been dealing with because it was starting to get worse again. Today feel tons better!! Spent some time with girlfriends one night with NO kids or husband, Saturday we went to watch my husband race, I think he has found a new hobby,…
    in Weekend Comment by mallen40 March 2014
  • I think this past weekend went a lot better than the past weekends. I was being very mindful of what I picked up to eat. I did enjoy a long john Saturday morning but kept it at that. I thought I would cave in on Saturday while at an event and get some nachos and a coke. Luckily we brought some healthy snack with us and so…
  • That is a great idea. I am going to do that this weekend. I tend to let the weekends go and a lot of the times don't track but this week after the what I lost this past week, to track everything this weekend and NO cheat meals. That just does me in. It seems to be ok if I do one during the week because I am more mindful I…
  • I had the following shared with me and thought I would share with the group. Extraordinary!!
  • I am still here as you saw with a reply earlier to your meditation post :smile: For the rest of you I have been down sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection, no bueno!! But I am feeling better today. Can breath a little easier and going to start back at my workouts. Slow at first because once my respiration goes up my…
  • That was some great advice on meditation. I will have to give those techniques a try. I will sometimes find my self having to do that when I get to my breaking point. Wherever I am, if its standing or sitting I will close my eyes and just breath. After about a count to 10 or however long it takes to calm my self I am much…
  • My problem is keeping it to just a cheat MEAL and not an all day eat everything and anything you want all day. The scale showed that today. :frown: I have to really focus to not allow it to happen so I am really going to have to stop the cheat days/meals for awhile until I can have better control. I did notice that a shirt…
  • I have ben meaning to try it. I have heard a lot of people say how much they enjoy it and how relaxed they feel. My daughter has asked about doing it. So we both got ourselves yoga mats and going to start doing it. I even found a yoga for kids that I thought we'd try for our first time. Also it will be nice to have…
    in Yoga Comment by mallen40 March 2014
  • Thank you for asking and I am glad that you are still giving advice & encouragement. It helps and I try to check in at least once a day if not more. I like hearing from others of their struggles, accomplishments, ideas, etc. It is very helpful to me and makes me feel like I am not the only one. :happy:
  • I have found that I sleep solid through the night without waking up several times when I began working out and I workout after work. Once I get home I am pretty much on a roll for about 1-1 1/2 hrs doing laundry, cleaning, helping with homework, getting my daughter ready for bed, etc. Then about 9-9:30 I begin winding down…
    in Sleeping Comment by mallen40 March 2014
  • I just want to say thank you to you Julie for beginning this group and providing such helpful information. The info you provide has helped along my journey. I was afraid that you would stop the group since 30 days are up. I hope you keep it going. :happy:
  • Thank you for the info! It is very helpful & gave me some good insight on myself. I think I am harder on myself than anyone ever could be & really had to try and change my way of thinking whenever I would "fall off the wagon"
    in Willpower Comment by mallen40 March 2014
  • Yes, I usually drink that much water. :bigsmile: When working out my intake will go up because I sweat a lot. Also if I don't drink enough before working out, I find that during my work out I will get a bad case of dry mouth. If I have not drank enough water the next morning I will have a horrible headache. I will also…
  • If you do find out about any others I would appreciate it. I hate to "google" something and not being real familiar with what would be the proper, healthy way makes me hesitant on trying anything that I would find. I could follow along the lines of what you do. I have a protein mix I use regularly that I could substitute…
  • I always know I fell short of my daily intake when I wake up the next morning with a terrible headache, my lower back aches (in the kidney areas) and sometimes my legs will cramp &/or my feet swell. I try to make sure to drink at the minimum of 64 oz a day but have found I need a lot more especially the days I work out. On…
  • I like the kickboxing circuit I do. It combines strength and cardio together and I get fulling workout. Plus since I get to do some punching it allows me to release any built up tension that I may have for the day. I go away feeling "at peace" :laugh:
  • Do you have any recommendations of a cleanse regiment? I am unsure of what it entails, what to eat, not to eat, etc. I would really like to do one.