akmieciak Member


  • I just bought the Athenos brand at Target (but I'm sure it's sold at other stores as well) - just the plain old "Original" flavor as I'm a hummus-newbie as well - and I LOVE IT!!! I love it as a dip for my baby carrots.
  • I loved those! I really wish they'd bring those back! Probably the only thing at Mickey D's that doesn't give me gut rot!:sick:
  • Just wanted to update... I tried wearing my Shape Ups last night on the elliptical instead of my running shoes - MUCH BETTER! My toes on my right foot didn't fall asleep at all! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • I'm SO glad this was asked! I have the same problem - but only the 2 little toes on my right foot tingle and start going numb around 30 minutes into my elliptical workout. I've tried loosening my laces, but the prblem continues. I do wear running shoes on the elliptical, so I will definitely try wearing my Shape Ups on the…
  • Ugh! I hate the cellulite on my thighs!!! What's involved in "dry scrubbing"?
  • I made the Hungry Girl Yum Yum Bownie (in cupcake papers) last night with my son - DELISH!!!