Sunshine4209 Member


  • breakfast: maple brown sugar oatmeal mixed with dried cranberries and a banana. Eggs, bread, butter and jelly on the week ends. Lunch: sandwiches, leftover dinners, I try to get my carbs in during lunch time, and snack time. snacks: fruits, yogurts, cheese, nuts, it varies greatly. Dinners: love to cook so I make all kinds…
  • good job guys on staying on top of things. I have had a crappy week, not logging in my food and not working out as much as I should have. But Monday is a new week. I don't see change in the scale at all, actually it is going up :( I am doing heavy weight training so it might be why.
  • I'm in, I should get a good work out in, going dancing tonight haha. I'll try to limit my booze calories. Eating veggies and fruits has never been a problem here, if I eat anymore I'll just turn into a rabbit, LOL. good luck everyone:)
  • Two of my friends do crossFit and they love it. You will gain some muscles that is for sure. I second Moody, be careful not to get injure by using too much weight and sacrificing form. Good luck:)
  • haha, I feel this is exactly why I haven't lost my last 10 pounds. I like red wine or champagne. The worst for me is that I always get more hungry when I do drink, do you guys?
  • I so agree with you guys, staying on track on week end are awful, and I don't lack motivation, I live where it is sunny and it's bikini season already. kat, way to go on your 10K! that is a lot of running. Moody, I went over 1000 calories on saturday night too:( I need a week end challenge too.
  • Hello, My name is Sunshine, I have been struggling with the last 10 pounds for the last 3 years, I just can't shake it. The week ends are my downfalls too much food. I just joined a gym and started weight training. I was too busy prior to this summer (school) so all I did was cardio and light weight. Age: 38 Height: 5'3…
    in Hi! Comment by Sunshine4209 June 2013