

  • hailzp - I've actually read this. It was really inspirational and beautiful, as is the girl who wrote it. It definitely opens my eyes a bit to how I should be thinking of myself. It's just the road to getting to that stage is a bit... bumpy. I'm not sure how to go about it. I won't even let myself have a boyfriend because…
  • ashlinmarie - Wow. That's really inspirational! Not to mention you're living in the country I've dreamed about my entire life! Haha. How is it there? Also, I know, Asian clothes are so cute! But even their XXXL is 2 sizes too small. :( We can get through this together! :D I know you'll be able to wear those adorable…
  • Nutella91 - I'm not sure yet. I just got accepted, so they haven't decided yet. Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou. No matter where it is, I'm excited! ...and scared. Wow! Haha. You're lucky! How have you adjusted?
  • Capt_Apollo - Thank you for the nice comment. :) Haha, I like how it's "nerd fitness". Fits me perfectly. Thank you so much! And good luck!
  • Lupercalia - Haha, muscular? Thanks! I just want to get rid of the terrible fat rolls, my wide arms, and my legs. :/ I hope to be able to work out a lot more and eat a lot less. Good luck to you! :D
  • maggiet63 - Thank you. I'll definitely do that. The idea of visualizing sounds helpful, definitely, especially in those cute Chinese clothes! :D You keep it up, too! You're doing great! :)
  • swissbrit - Aww thank you. :) And yeah, I can try those. I have both a Wii and a PS3, so I can try out both! That really could help during these cold winter months, when running outside causes nothing more than burning lungs and an annoying wheeze!
  • suthernbelle - Thanks! That really helps, thank yous so much! Is there any way you can suggest to do that? Any certain foods to intake, or avoid? I'm terrible with this stuff. By the way, CONGRATULATIONS! That's amazing~!
  • Nutella91 - Wow! I'm excited, but of course I'm scared and a little bit anxious to be so far from my family and friends for an entire year! Not to mention the culture shock! How long will you/ have you been in China? :) I honestly don't know any Chinese... I've studied Japanese a good 7 years, so the written isn't AS hard,…
  • SwimFan1981 - How did you like China? Oh wow, thanks! That really helps haha. I'll be sure to exercise as much as possible. Especially swimming - I love swimming! And I didn't know tailoring would be that cheap! Great! :D
  • Nutella91 - That's great! How do you like it there? :)
  • Cr01502 - Well, maybe "fit" wasn't the right word. They're just all so skinny! I know diet and exercise that comes with their culture is a huge part of it, maybe all of it, so I'm hoping while I'm there I can open my eyes a little bit and change my habits. Thank for the advice! I actually like to walk as it clears my head…