

  • I'm in if it's not too late. Of yesterday I was 237.5 pounds. My goals are to do 5 days of cardio a week. Drink my 8 glasses of water a day and get a better hold on my eating.
  • I'm getting glamor shots done AND maybe a tattoo on my foot. :-)
  • Hi there! Welcome to the site. I've been using it for about a month now and love it too! I'm like you and have struggled with my weight since my 20's. I'm a 43 year old mom to a 14 year old daughter. My husband needs to loose weight too but he's in denial and hasn't jumped on the working out band wagaon yet. I would love…
  • Well I don't think that craving will every go away...we just get into a new mind set that portion control is everything. As my personal trainer tells me..."You can have what ever you want to eat, you just have to work off the calories later." Therefore, it is easier to work off the calories for a handful of fries to nip…