

  • That is great and excited for you. I injured my hip back in january fell down on my butt so any extensive walking hurts for me but still trying. I don't have a pool but I can imagine with the water being heavy it was hard for you. Just think of the little train that could you can do it with big smile saying I CAN DO IT.…
  • A friend of mine started losing weight and then for some reason she gave up right in the middle. She called me a week ago that she is back on it but what helped her was a journal. She created a journal at livejournal and basically wrote everything that happened and photographed her progress. So I created mine and let me…
  • I have two mantras: if a 70 year old can do it so can I. and bikini by summer bikini by summer. Melinda
  • Hi Lucy and everybody in the group. I'm so excited about this challenge. I've been trying to loose weight for a while. I am short 4'8 and because of my height doctors says I'm not at average weight. Right now I weigh 130 a.k.a little buddha. At my height I'm supposed to be get this at 90 lbs. I joined a gym a month ago and…