emlenz817 Member


  • Last week: 150 3/20: 149!! One pound lost, and it's great to be back in the 140's! I might see if I can decrease my calorie intake a little bit more, and see if I can more than 1 pound a week. Great job everyone, keep going!
  • I think I just scraped by on my calorie allowance for the day. Breakfast: whole wheat toast, one egg, three slices of turkey bacon, one apple Lunch: steamed carrots, and some chicken-stuffing casserole of my grandma's- unfortunately, I completely had to estimate on calorie consumption there, which was hard! Dinner:…
  • My body is in a lot of pain after a kickboxing class I went to yesterday, so I did about 20 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the elliptical- a little lighter today!
  • I made a great chili for lunch today: 1 bag of frozen shrimp 1 can of Great Northern Beans 1 can of Italian Tomatoes, diced 1 bag of spinach. I seasoned with garlic salt and cajun seasoning-- and it was really delicious! I think it will last me three meals, and I calculated about 240 calories per serving. It's high in…
  • Today I did Jillian Michael's ''Yoga Meltdown'', then some ab work, and a quick 10 minutes on the elliptical
  • I'm either going to try a kickboxing class or Tabata class at the gym today- wish me luck! Looks like the calorie burn that either of those would get me are pretty excellent!!
  • I just joined the site too! I'm thankful to find a group right away for challenge and motivation! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal, and I'm trying to finally get down to my goal weight. I lost most of my weight several years ago, but I've gained at least 10 pounds since my wedding this summer (anyone have that same story??) SW: 150 Goal for 4 weeks: 5 pounds, bringing me to 145! Looking forward to doing this…