

  • Hello, I have had Hashimoto for the last 6 years. Diagnosed when I was 20...Interesting thing was, I was working out, watching what I was eating, running about 2 miles every morning and still gaining weight. Kind of makes you scratch your head and think...what am I doing wrong? Hashimoto played a big role in me gaining…
  • I have low BP also, been dealing with it for the last few years. I find I need to make sure I get a little more extra salt in my diet other wise I get really dizzy. If you gain, it's only water weight, I need the water/salt to help balance out the BP.
  • Hello, My name is Angela, I'm currently working on my MSW:S Starting in Aug I will be taking 16 units, interning for the VA and working on a Thesis. I have always struggled to maintain my weight when school starts to take over. I am determined not to let that happen this coming year. Currently I weigh 151lbs and am a…
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