

  • I made the commitment to veganism one year ago March 15. Celebrating one year! It has given me more spiritual clarity and a much calmer sense of being. What brought me to this commitment originally was a ridiculously high cholesterol number. No meds for me! After watching Forks Over Knives, reading about plant-based diets,…
  • pobalita... really healthy attitude! Good to hear. There are so many websites and cookbooks (check them out at the public library before you invest). Right now I am loving Chloe's Kitchen by Chloe Coscarelli. Engine 2 is fantastic, too. Last night my daughter made "potatoes au gratin." She substituted butternut squash for…
  • C and SW 196 I want to lose 7 pounds by April 10th! (back in the 80's) Plans include keeping close track of my vegan calorie intake and walking one hour five days a week. There will be a few yoga sessions included, too. Take those vitamins and drink lots of citrus water! :wink:
  • Hi, I just joined on recommendation of my daughter. I went vegan one year ago this Saturday and there will be no going back. My cholesterol was 304 and I was not a candidate for medicine. I took back responsibility for my own health. Watching Forks Over Knives changed my life. Three months later my cholesterol was down 70…