You could be growing muscle with those huge gym sessions. No biggie, if you are relatively new to the gym side of things, then your body is just preparing itself for the onslaught it expects you to put it through. You will tear through your bodyfat after a while, so I suggest that you give yourself a bit more time to see…
50 mins at the absolute max, but that's when I mix cardio with weights. Usually high intensity cardio for 40 minutes, almost doubles as a weights session if you go hard enough. Over an hour is too long.
I can vouch for Champix definately. True, it does make you feel a bit nauseous for the first few weeks you take it, but the positive is I was down from 30 a day to 3 on the day before I set a quit date. The doc should set you up with the ** website which is all kinds of awesome in support, and information,…
"If you are expecting results in 2 weeks, you should have started 3 months ago." Best idea is to get the measuring tape out instead. I haven't lost a single kg in the last fortnight, but lost 4cm from my waist. The weight loss will come, just stay committed, you're already on the right track with this website.
I'm from Perth WA, sometimes
Perth WA
My sentiments exactly. This is a brilliant community with plenty of people looking to achieve the same goal. It's awesome to have people like yourself who are so upbeat and positive, encouraging others. This site has been an absolute blessing for me, and no doubt everyone else who made it through the first week.