SirKevin Member


  • We get lettuce wrapped cheeseburgers almost every time we go to In'n'Out - I think they call it 'protein style'. FYI - it is a California-based chain.
  • (What is BBC code?) I almost always eat a healthy lunch on Sunday, one that is OK with Atkins or low carb. I had chicken in red bell pepper sauce: it was an individual frozen ready-meal.
  • What filthy, bigoted, brain-dead, rat-*kitten* your daughter has for classmates! I am Roman Catholic myself and am a supply teacher in schools that are predominantly, nearly 97%, RC and Mexican-American. That classmate's parents are likely grammar-school dropouts and Godless dope fiends themselves! They obviously weren't…
  • I had several bikes when I was a newlywed in Long Beach and usually rode to work. My wife had a wee small bike that she rode a lot until the obstetrician made her stop. It's just not safe to ride here in Borsetshire: bad drivers come here from all over the world and there are too many loonies texting or talking when…