

  • Age: 18 Height: 5'5 SW:133 CW:129 GW:112 anyone similar should message me/add me x
  • I work in McDonalds in the UK as a crew member (the person at the till who takes your order) and I can tell you, that if the staff are caught by the manager for being rude to customers they will get a disciplinary, if you are unhappy with the service you should deffinatly complain to the management staff within the…
  • my highest weight was 140lbs as well, at around november but the past months i've been jumping between 133 and 126 :( I'll add you and share some motivation with you Together we can reach our goals !!
  • Hi, I'm Amber. I want to be 112lbs by June. Please don't criticize my goal, we all have different goals and different reasons for achieving them and it wont change my mind if someone says 'oh that's too low' because I calculated BMI and it's still in the healthy category for my height. But if there is someone with similar…